A Level Results Day 2024

A Level results day

A Level Results Day 2024

It was wonderful to see a good number of our Year 13 leavers coming into school this morning to collect their A Level and BTEC results and to see them celebrating their successes. We are delighted that all the hard work they put in has resulted in some excellent outcomes, with the percentage of grades at A*-A, A*-B and A*-C (three key measures) all up on last year. As a consequence, our students are now hugely excited about heading off to study an impressive range of subjects at a variety of excellent universities across the UK , including King’s College London, Exeter, Nottingham, Birmingham, Leeds, Loughborough and Sheffield.

We are incredibly proud of their achievements and wish them all the very best for the next stage of their education. Many congratulations and well done to our teachers too for all their fantastic support.

David Jackson – Head

A Level Results Day 2024A Level Results Day 2024A Level Results Day 2024


Open events

sixth form open evening – THURSDAY 26th september 2024

For all families who are interested in finding out more about our Sixth Form.

WHOLE SCHOOL OPEN MORNING – Saturday 5th October 2024

For all families who are interested in finding out more about our Early Years, Prep School and Senior School.