Early Years Playground

What Early Years got up to this week in the Prep School

Reception class


We have been reading the traditional tale of the Gingerbread Man. We have baked our own gingerbread person and had fun acting out the story. One should have made it home, but the children were finding it tricky to resist.


Whilst exploring assorted colours, the children created a fabulous picture with items that they found in the outdoor environment. The children printed with leaves and made their own leaf mobile.

We have encouraged the children to use mathematical language to explain what they notice about the similarities and differences between buttons, socks and shoes.


The children have enjoyed tuning into instrumental sounds this week. We listened to different instruments and the children talked about which sound they liked best.

Seasonal Change

As autumn is now upon us, we will look at seasonal changes with the children. They will have the opportunity to explore these changes in Forest School. These activities incorporate physical development, maths, communication and language and understanding the world.

We will continue matching and sorting different objects by their size, shape and colour.

Jigsaw PSHE

The children will be learning about their rights to learn, eat healthy food and play.



In Literacy we have been using our phonic skills to write CVC (constant, vowel, constant) words. Using pictures as prompts, we encouraged them to say and repeat the word. We then encouraged them to ‘segment’ the word by saying the initial sound, middle sound, and last sound. Once they were able to do this, we encouraged them to record the sounds they could hear. We really focused on forming the letters cursively.


In Maths, we started a new module called ‘talk about measure and patterns.’ Our focus this week was on weight and capacity. We started by comparing two items and making a prediction about which item we thought would be heavier. We then tested our predictions using balancing scales. We also explored capacity by comparing the amount of rice different containers held. When comparing the different containers, we encouraged the children to use vocabulary including ‘full/empty’ and to use the sentences ‘this holds more/less’.


This week we learnt the phonemes ‘g, o, c and k.’ In class we practised saying the sounds, blending the sounds together to read words, for example ‘c-o-g’. We then practised letter formation by writing out the letters cursively. We also introduced our first ‘tricky word’. ‘Tricky words’ are words that cannot easily be decoded (‘sounded out’ and read).


In our Jigsaw PSHE lesson, which supports the children’s personal, social and emotional development, we have worked on why it is good to be kind and use gentle hands. We discussed what we can say or do when we feel ourselves getting angry. We thought about using our voices and not using our hands.


In Music the children have been working hard to learn the lyrics and tunes to their harvest festival songs.

Pre-Reception baking Reception pupils



  • Senior School Working Open Morning  – 7th November at 9.15am
  • Prep School Working Open Morning – 26th February 2025 at 9.15am
