Farringtons School

Funeral – Professor Dame Elizabeth Fradd

Professor Dame Elizabeth Fradd

I attended the funeral in Southwell Minster, Nottingham, in my capacity as a school friend, later a member of her staff at the Commission for Health Improvement and more recently her help with a research project on Burnout, published with her support in the Nursing Times.

The Minster is a large and peaceful building with a history from Roman times as a villa, then private church of the Archbishop of York (with later C14 Palace), Norman development particularly the nave, stripping of paintings during the Reformation, then a parish church, then a Minster a century ago with the creation of a new bishopric.

Funeral Professor Dame Elizabeth Fradd Funeral Professor Dame Elizabeth Fradd

About 500 friends, neighbours, ex patients and colleagues from many areas of her work attended the funeral which was a celebration of Liz’s amazing life as a Nurse, High Sheriff, Deputy Lord Lieutenant along with many other activities and awards. The bouquet on her coffin was made up from flowers from her beloved garden.  The service was live streamed and we know there was national and international link up.

The Reception was at Norwood Park and I was able to meet up with 4 colleagues from the Commission for Health Improvement.

It was a very moving day, with general disbelief at her sudden passing, along with celebration of the work she had done to raise standards and make continuous improvements in anything she touched.

Dr Amanda Squires OBE



  • Senior School Working Open Morning  – 7th November at 9.15am
  • Prep School Working Open Morning – 26th February 2025 at 9.15am
