Wizard of Oz

Luceat Programme

At Farringtons, we believe in an education that extends beyond the classroom walls. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce the Luceat Programme, meaning ‘to shine’. This programme is designed to spark curiosity, nurture independence, and equip our young learners with crucial life skills.

Listen to our Farringtons Features podcast on Luceat here.



Pre-Reception Practical life skills:

  • Putting on coats and shoes
  • Using cutlery
  • Using scissors safely
  • Riding a bike and scooter safely

Forest School – fire safety, tool work and tree climbing

5 metre swim

Year 1 Environmental Programme (British Wildlife)
Year 2 International links — Edukid



Year 3

English Speaking Board exams

Instrumental carousel

Royal Forestry Society

Year 4


Residential trip

Charitable work – Edukid

Year 5

English Speaking Board exams

Residential trip

Year 6

Pupil Leadership Programme (Prefects/ House Captains/ Sports Captains)

First Aid Course


Residential trip

Charitable work – Edukid


Embedded Within the School Day, Luceat Offers

  • Challenge: activities that push boundaries and expand knowledge
  • Enrichment: engaging experiences that inspire creativity and exploration
  • Diversity: a variety of options to cater to every interest and aptitude


Developing The Five Key Cornerstone Skills

The Luceat Programme focuses on five key areas fundamental to well-rounded growth:

  • Intellectual curiosity: fostering a love of learning and a thirst for knowledge
  • Independence: encouraging self-reliance, initiative, and problem-solving skills
  • Creativity: empowering imagination, self-expression, and innovative thinking
  • Citizenship: cultivating responsible social engagement and global awareness
  • Communication: building confidence and clarity in expressing ideas effectively


Explore A World of Opportunities

Throughout their Prep School journey, children embark on various stimulating activities:

  • Pre-Reception: mastering practical life skills, like riding a bike safely and putting on coats and shoes
  • Reception: discovering our Forest School, and achieving a 5-metre swim
  • Years 1 & 2: immersing in the British Wildlife Environmental Programme and connecting with peers globally through Edukid
  • Years 3 & 4: building public speaking skills with the English-Speaking Board Exams, discovering hidden talents in the instrumental carousel, learning about sustainable forestry, participating in the Year 4 production, enjoying a Year 4 residential trip, and participating in charitable initiatives with Edukid
  • Years 5 & 6: building public speaking skills with the English-Speaking Board Exams, residential trips in Years 5 and 6, pupil leadership opportunities, gaining vital first aid skills and taking part in the Year 6 production


With Luceat, Your Child Will

  • Gain valuable skills that enrich their academic endeavours
  • Develop a growth mindset and embrace challenges
  • Discover their passions and unique talents
  • Contribute to the community and become responsible global citizens

Find out more



  • Senior School Working Open Morning  – 7th November at 9.15am
  • Prep School Working Open Morning – 26th February 2025 at 9.15am
