senior school girl

Pupil Profiles

We take pride in the transformational journey our pupils undergo as a part of our through-school environment. From their first steps in Prep School to their confident strides as they leave Sixth Form, we witness a beautiful blossoming of talent, intellect, and character. Here, we share the voices of our pupils, reflecting on their early memories, shared experiences, boarding, and the excitement of their transitions within Farringtons School.

Moving Up: The Journey to Senior School

Conversations with boarders



When did you start boarding at Farringtons?

I originally joined Farringtons in 2022 as a day pupil but the commute was too much so I left and went to another school. I did not like the other school so I came back as a flexi boarder, to reduce the distance of my commute from Central London. It was easy to settle in because I had a solid network of friends. Boarding gave me a sense of purpose and I enjoyed helping some of the younger boarders.

What do you like most about boarding?

My friends have become my family, even when I have had bad days I can go back to the boarding house and my friends are all there to cheer me up.

I have really enjoyed participating in the trips – particularly visiting Brands Hatch and Thorpe Park. As a flexi boarder it is nice to still have the opportunity to go on the weekend trips if I want to.

What are your favourite subjects?

Business is my favourite subject, I like being able to understand how business works, my teacher is great and very personable and my classmates are nice and we all get on.

How is Farringtons different from your previous school?

Farringtons is more integrated when it comes to international students, my previous school was very segregated. Boarding is a part of Farringtons life. The teachers here are more understanding and more considerate of your wellbeing too.

What after school clubs have you joined?

I have participated in Biology clinic, this has helped with topics that I am not confident with, and given me past papers to practice. Mr Templeman has really helped further my understanding of Biology and I am very grateful for that.

What sports are you enjoying?

After school I enjoy playing football, basketball and rounders. The boarding community of boys and girls all play together which is great fun and everyone is always enjoying themselves.

What is your favourite meal?

Ramen poke is my favourite, overall, the food is great. Everyone appreciates the change in menus as it makes you feel more at home.

What special boarding activities have you taken part in?

I have enjoyed participating in movie night in our common room. It is nice bringing everyone together as it gets everyone to interact.

Have you felt homesick?

Sometimes if I stay for a longer period of time, I do but my friends are just across the hall.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Going to the school gym, spending time with other boarders in the local area, we often visit London, Sidcup and Bromley.

What makes boarding at Farringtons special?

The friends I have made in my time here are for life. As well as making great friends here, I am also still in touch with boarders that left last year.

As I come to the end of my time at Farringtons I will really miss the younger boys who are like brothers to me, I will definitely come back and visit them once I have left.

Farringtons has created some long-lasting memories and has helped cement my friendships, which has allowed me to forge some strong bonds with my fellow boarders.



How did you find your first term at Farringtons?

I joined Farringtons in Year 8 from Liberia in Africa, I always wanted to come to London so when I started here, I was really happy. Mrs Arnold (House Matron) and Izzy (Boarding Assistant and Teacher) both helped me settle in.

Was it easy to settle it?

It was hard at first, getting used to the routines of school but by the second week I was all settled in. It was easy to make friends as I like to interact with people, and everyone is lovely.

What do you like most about boarding?

The people, I have shared a room with Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Nigerian and Turkish students, a lot of people come from different countries, and we all interact with each other, and it is really beautiful. Everyone is unique, it is wonderful.

What are your favourite subjects?

My favourite subjects are English, History and Science. I want to be a Lawyer, so I enjoy expressing myself through writing. If I want to say something I just write it down, this really helps me with my literacy.

Have you started any new subjects?

I have enjoyed Food & Nutrition, Textiles and Art. I have also enjoyed the Sports Day here.

How is Farringtons different from your previous school?

My previous school was not a boarding school, and it was not as big as Farringtons. The schedule and activities at my previous school were completely different; we got to leave early, whereas here we finish at 3:50pm and then have activities and prep which I really like.

Are you enjoying the new Floreat Programme?

I really like the Floreat programme, I have enjoyed learning how to Scuba Dive, Parkour, Skiing and Photography. I now know a lot of things about Photography so when I join Sixth Form, if I take Photography this will really help me.

What after school clubs have you joined?

I joined Maths’ clinic, volunteering in the Library and I also study in the library with my friends, especially if we have an exam coming up, we all plan what time we are going to meet.

What sports are you enjoying?

I have enjoyed Football, Tennis, Basketball and Netball. Right now, I am taking Cricket and Rounders.

What is your favourite meal?

I love the crispy chicken curry here, it is wonderful with spinach, broccoli, and onions!

What special boarding activities have you taken part in?

My favourite has been playing ‘capture the flag’, everybody is eager win, we all come together as one, it is a great bonding session.

I have also loved seeing the London sights on foot, last time we went to London, Richard (South House boarder) and I were talking the entire way and we had a really nice conversation, it was really sweet.

Have you felt homesick?

The first three months here I felt homesick, but gradually I felt better. When I came back in the autumn term, I was fine, I was used to the food and knew the routines. I spoke to Molly and Izzy (Boarding Assistants), when they look at you, they know when something is wrong, I have a good bond with them, and they are always there to talk to me. When Izzy and I are in class she is my teacher and we are serious, but when we are up in the boarding house, we have such a laugh, she is amazing.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I like to chat to my friends in their room or I like to draw or paint, as this relaxes me.



How did you find your first term at Farringtons?

I joined Farringtons last January in Year 9, it was nice as I made wonderful friends that I am still friends with now. It is a joy to be here.

Was it easy to settle it?

I was so nervous to come over to the UK, for the first time I had been to the UK, but I blended straight in with everyone. It took me time to adjust to the food and routine and every day I learnt something new. The education system is different from Liberia so that took a little bit of time to get used to. I have formed close friends here, more like older sisters so if I need anyone to chat to, they are always here, as well as Issy and Molly (Boarding Assistants).

What do you like most about boarding?

I like meeting new people, when boarding you get to meet lots of different nationalities, learn about their culture and learn new languages too. Recently I learnt some Spanish which was a good experience.

Have you started any new subjects?

Religious Studies, which I am now taking for GCSE and I love it.

How is Farringtons different from your previous school?

My previous school was similar to the American education system, the food is also quite different and my old school was much smaller.

Are you enjoying the new Floreat Programme?

I have completed two terms of Mindfulness which I love, I am currently completing Care in the Community, which I am enjoying. I like listening to elderly people talking about their lives and hearing their funny stories. They also enjoy having us there to entertain them.

What after school clubs have you joined?

I have joined Maths Clinic on a Wednesday after school to get extra help with revision for exams.

What sports are you enjoying?

Recently in the summer term we started rounders which is so much fun, especially with friends. Sometimes our teachers join in our games. I also love Tennis and Badminton.

What is your favourite meal?

I like the jerk chicken and rice.

What special boarding activities have you taken part in?

Last year we went to Southend Beach, which was my favourite place to visit, my cousin came to flexi-board that week, so she came too. We went on the beach, on rides and had food, it was so much fun. Last term we went to the cinema to watch Guardians of the Galaxy and then to a Chinese restaurant for Chinese New Year.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I enjoy reading books and watching movies, they keep us very busy here so we do not get a lot of free time.



When did you join Farringtons School?

I joined Year 12 in September 2022, from Hong Kong.

How did you find your first term at Farringtons?

It has been good; the people are very nice and friendly. It was hard to settle in at first as it was a change in environment, but all my friends and teachers here have made it easier, especially Tom who I have made good friends with.

What do you like most about boarding?

I love the food here, at my last school the food was not good, but all the food here is great. My favourite is the roast chicken.

What are your favourite subjects?

Psychology is my favourite subject, which I am currently studying at A-Level, as I would like to become a psychologist one day. I am also studying Maths and Economics A-Level.

How is Farringtons different from your previous school?

It is more relaxed and chilled than Hong Kong, there was so much pressure in Hong Kong, I prefer it here as they give you more freedom to decide when you study.

What after school clubs have you joined?

I have not joined any after school clubs, but I do enjoy going to the gym after school.

What sports are you enjoying?

Every Wednesday we take part in games, I don’t particularly like sports but I do like music, so I practice the guitar in my spare time.

What special boarding activities have you taken part in?

I loved going Go-Karting, that was really good fun, I had not tried Go-Karting before, so that was my favourite. I am also excited to be going to Thorpe Park this term.

Have you ever felt homesick?

In my first year I did feel a bit homesick, I have a good friend in the school who I talk to and the Boarding staff are very nice.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I like playing video games.

What is next for you?

I would like to go to university, the school have taken us to a UKAS event where we could ask lots of questions about what grades I would need. I hope to go to Reading University or Exeter University.



How did you find your first term at Farringtons?

I joined Farringtons in September 2022, at first, I was anxious about the new environment, I was worried about speaking English as this is not my first language but everyone here was so nice to me and really supportive and that really helped me.

Was it easy to settle it?

It was easy to settle in, I feel at home here. The teachers always want to make sure you are happy and comfortable.

What do you like most about boarding?

I love all the trips that we have on the weekends. I enjoyed going to the cinema to watch the Matilda musical, at Christmas we went to the Elf musical, and we have been bowling – the trips on offer are amazing.

I especially like being surrounded by other international students in the boarding house, it is fun to learn about different cultures and the history of different countries. We have boarders from China, France, Germany, and many more nationalities. It is great to talk to them and learn more about where they are from. I practiced my German last year with another boarder from Germany and she would help improve my German. I enjoy being in the international environment at Farringtons.

What are your favourite subjects?

For my A Levels I am studying Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Further Maths, these are my favourite subjects, I especially like Maths. This year I have twelve Maths lessons a week but I enjoy it.

How is Farringtons different from your previous school?

In Farringtons there are more subjects to choose from and lots of extra-curricular activities. The teachers are different to Poland, they are always ready to help and are approachable.

Are you enjoying the new Floreat Programme?

In Year 12 I took the EPQ as my Floreat choice, as part of that I got to visit the Francis Crick Institute. My EPQ was on ‘Could Humanity Ever Achieve Immortality’ by using the CRISPR Method in gene editing.

What after school clubs have you joined?

I have joined the Maths Clinic this term. I also run the Ballet and Jazz Club with the help of Miss Humphrey, teaching Year 7 and 8 students. I really enjoy doing this, I want to use the experience I have gained from going to Ballet school previously to help the younger students.

What sports are you enjoying?

I love that we have the gym and the pool. On Monday I normally go swimming and during weekdays I go to the gym in the afternoons.

What is your favourite meal?

I love lasagne with garlic bread for dinner here, it is one of my favourites and for desserts I like the brownie.

What special boarding activities have you taken part in?

It is nice when everyone comes to the common room and we all sit together and watch a film. Last year we did a Eurovision karaoke night with the boys which was fun.

Have you felt homesick?

I know it sounds strange but I do not feel homesick, my mum asks me if I miss being at home but I have so many things going on that I am very busy, so I do not feel homesick. I could always call my mum or dad, but it hasn’t ever happened.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I like to go to the dance studio in the afternoons and practice my dancing. I like going to Ferens Hall on the weekend to practice the piano when the school is quiet.

What is next for you?

I would like to apply to med school this year in Italy or Ireland.



How did you find your first term at Farringtons?

I joined in September 2020 in Year 10, it was easy to settle in as I had lots of help, my parents came and helped me setup my room. I was used to sharing a room back at home so that was familiar to me. Everyone was welcoming, the Housemaster gave me a tour and showed me around.

What do you like most about boarding?

The fact that you get to use all the facilities like the swimming pool, the sports hall and playing football outside. The library is a great space if you do not want any distractions whilst doing your homework, there is always a space for you to work.

What are your favourite subjects?

My favourite subjects are Finance, Economics and Business which I am taking for A Level. I really enjoy these subjects and I hope to be a businessman in the future.

Have you started any new subjects?

Economics was new to me.

How is Farringtons different from your previous school?

I used to go to school in Sierra Leone, the education here is much better. My brother was here at Farringtons before me and my Dad saw how well he was doing and thought it would be a great opportunity for me.

Are you enjoying the new Floreat Programme?

I participated in mental health in Year 12, during lessons we discussed ways to deal with mental health problems and also learnt to meditate.

What sports are you enjoying?

I enjoy playing football after school and I am in the A team. In Year 10 and 11 I also participated in basketball.

What is your favourite meal?

My favourite meal is the pesto pasta.

What special boarding activities have you taken part in?

My favourite weekend trip that I have enjoyed the most was the trip to Thorpe Park, it was a nice day out in the summer. I have enjoyed going bowling, paintballing and laser tag as well.

Have you felt homesick?

I have not ever felt homesick, as everyone was so welcoming when I joined. I have made some good friends here, whilst boarding you meet lots of people from different backgrounds and you learn a lot about their culture.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I enjoy going out with my friends in my spare time.

Boarding student Lola


How did you find your first term at Farringtons?

My first term at Farringtons was really good, it has been a different experience compared to going to school in Spain. I came to Farringtons to improve my English and my confidence.

Was it easy to settle it?

At the beginning it was difficult as you are so far away from all your family. However, the school makes sure you are involved in everything and made me feel at home quickly.

What do you like most about boarding?

The people here are really nice, the boarding staff are important and make sure that the boarding houses feel like home. I have enjoyed meeting different people from all over the world and learning about different cultures.

What are your favourite subjects?

I like PE, especially cricket and badminton.

Have you started any new subjects?

I study business and this is not a subject I have previously studied in Spain.

How is Farringtons different from your previous school?

Science here is more practical, whereas Spain is more reading textbooks. The teaching here is different, at Farringtons there are lots of things that bring our learning to life, such as experiments and workshops.

Are you enjoying the Floreat Programme?

In my first term I participated in Law and in my second term I participated in Mindfulness. I enjoyed Law as I want to be a lawyer when I am older. Mindfulness has been really good as it helps teach me techniques to relax.

What is your favourite meal?

I love Friday’s lunch which is normally fish and chips or fried chicken. The pasta here is nice too, particularly the lasagne.

What special boarding activities have you taken part in?

I have enjoyed the trips on the weekend, recently we have taken a boat trip up the River Thames, that was my favourite.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I like going into Chislehurst and Bromley with my friends.



How did you find your first term at Farringtons?

I joined this summer in Year 10 from France, when I first started it was hard as I was coming from a different country and I did not know anyone. But it did not take long to settle in and now I love it. I made friends quickly which made it easier. I have made lots of friends with the day pupils and I am really close to the Spanish and German boarders.

What do you like most about boarding?

I like it when we are all relaxing together watching a film or eating dinner, like a family.

What are your favourite subjects?

I enjoy Maths and Science.

Have you started any new subjects?

Biology is different in England; we do more experiments here.

How is Farringtons different from your previous school?

My previous school was not a boarding school and we didn’t have a uniform.

Are you enjoying the Floreat Programme?

I have done mindfulness which I have enjoyed.

What sports are you enjoying?

I have enjoyed learning a new sport – rounders, we do not play this in France.

What is your favourite meal?

I love Friday’s lunch which is normally chips and a panini.

What special boarding activities have you taken part in?

Last weekend we went to the beach which was amazing. We have also been go karting. It is fun getting together with the boys in South House.

Have you felt homesick?

At the beginning I felt homesick but this soon passed. Now I am sad to be going back to France, as I will miss my friends. Particularly Lisa, Carmen and Lola but we are going to stay in touch when I go back to France.

One of my favourite things about being at Farringtons is the strong friendships I have made whilst here.



  • Senior School Working Open Morning  – 7th November at 9.15am
  • Prep School Working Open Morning – 26th February 2025 at 9.15am
