Farringtons Features

Welcome to Farringtons Features, the school podcast where you can hear from pupils, staff and parents to find out more about Farringtons School.

Hear voices from the Farringtons community; you’ll get a glimpse behind the scenes, find out what is keeping the pupils busy beyond their studies, and learn about what life is like for a four-year-old in Reception:

  • Unpacking Early Years: a candid conversation with Farringtons four-year-olds
  • The rising success of Farringtons XI Football Team
  • Luceat Programme
  • Farringtons School community
  • A day in the life of a five-year-old at Farringtons School
  • Using poetry to support literacy and language development
  • Benefits of flexi-boarding
  • Transforming outcomes in the Prep School
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • A day in the life of a Prep School Teacher
  • Boarding life at Farringtons School
  • Modern Foreign Languages at Farringtons School
  • Floreat at Farringtons
  • Exploring outdoor learning at Forest School
  • How to be best prepared for this exam season
  • Meet the Head, Mr Jackson

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Farringtons Features

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Open events

sixth form open evening – THURSDAY 26th september 2024

For all families who are interested in finding out more about our Sixth Form.

WHOLE SCHOOL OPEN MORNING – Saturday 5th October 2024

For all families who are interested in finding out more about our Early Years, Prep School and Senior School.